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Youth Space – Tye dye is one of a kind, just like you! | Espace jeunesse – Tye dye est unique en soi, tout comme toi !

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 7 TO 12 | SPECIAL EVENT | BILINGUAL | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A safe and inclusive space to connect with peers, be themselves, have fun, relate to others and talk about things important to them. Youth Space extended our hours this summer to provide a light supper! August 22 (Everyone ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Espace enfants – Semer nos graines : Construire un esprit de croissance et créer des plantes de compagnie

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

1re À LA 6e ANNÉE | HEBDOMADAIRE | ALTERNE EN ANGLAIS ET EN FRANÇAIS | EN PERSONNE | PLACES LIMITÉES (MAX. 15) Un espace pour créer des liens avec d’autres enfants, apprendre sur soi-même, pratiquer des habiletés sociales et s’amuser ! Les mardis de 16 h à 18 h 10 septembre : Semer nos graines : Construire un esprit ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Youth Space – Life is All About Balance | Espace jeunesse – La vie est une question d’équilibre !

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 7 TO 12 | SPECIAL EVENT | BILINGUAL | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A safe and inclusive space to connect with peers, be themselves, have fun, relate to others and talk about things important to them. Youth Space extended our hours to provide a light supper! August 22 (Everyone Group): Life ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Kids Space – Planting our Seeds: Building a Growth Mindset and Creating Plant Pets

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 1 TO 6 | WEEKLY | ALTERNATE ENGLISH & FRENCH | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A space to connect with other kids, learn about themselves, practice social skills, and have fun! Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. September 17th: Planting our Seeds: Building a Growth Mindset and Creating Plant Pets Activity ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Kids Space – As Easy As Pie: Bilingual Mini Pie Baking Activity | Espace enfants – C’est du gâteau ! Activité bilingue de cuisson de mini-tartes

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 1 TO 6 | WEEKLY | ALTERNATE ENGLISH & FRENCH | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A space to connect with other kids, learn about themselves, practice social skills, and have fun! Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. September 24th: As Easy As Pie: Bilingual Mini Pie Baking Activity Activity registration will ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Youth Space – Fuel Your Body and Your Mind! | Espace jeunesse – Alimente ton corps et ton esprit !

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 7 TO 12 | SPECIAL EVENT | BILINGUAL | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A safe and inclusive space to connect with peers, be themselves, have fun, relate to others and talk about things important to them. Youth Space extended our hours to provide a light supper! August 22 (2SLGBTQIA+ group): Fuel ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Espace enfants – Repousser les limites – Tester nos zones de confort et des défis à la minute

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

1re À LA 6e ANNÉE | HEBDOMADAIRE | ALTERNE EN ANGLAIS ET EN FRANÇAIS | EN PERSONNE | PLACES LIMITÉES (MAX. 15) Un espace pour créer des liens avec d’autres enfants, apprendre sur soi-même, pratiquer des habiletés sociales et s’amuser ! Les mardis de 16 h à 18 h 1er octobre : Repousser les limites - Tester nos ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Kids Space – Pushing the Limits – Testing Our Comfort Zones and Minute-To-Win-It Challenges

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 1 TO 6 | WEEKLY | ALTERNATE ENGLISH & FRENCH | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A space to connect with other kids, learn about themselves, practice social skills, and have fun! Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. October 8th: Pushing the Limits - Testing Our Comfort Zones and Minute-To-Win-It Challenges Activity ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Youth Space – Challenging Our Comfort Zones | Espace jeunesse – Mettre au défi nos zones de confort

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 7 TO 12 | SPECIAL EVENT | BILINGUAL | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A safe and inclusive space to connect with peers, be themselves, have fun, relate to others and talk about things important to them. Youth Space extended our hours to provide a light supper! October 10 (Everyone Group): Challenging ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Espace enfants – Mentalité de meute – Combattre la pression des pairs et jouer à loup-garou

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

1re À LA 6e ANNÉE | HEBDOMADAIRE | ALTERNE EN ANGLAIS ET EN FRANÇAIS | EN PERSONNE | PLACES LIMITÉES (MAX. 15) Un espace pour créer des liens avec d'autres enfants, apprendre sur soi-même, pratiquer des habiletés sociales et s'amuser! Les mardis de 16 h à 18 h 15 octobre : Mentalité de meute - Combattre la pression ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Kids Space – Pack Mentality – Challenging Peer Pressure and Playing Werewolf

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, Orléans, Canada

GRADES 1 TO 6 | WEEKLY | ALTERNATE ENGLISH & FRENCH | IN PERSON | LIMITED SPOTS (MAX. 15) A space to connect with other kids, learn about themselves, practice social skills, and have fun! Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. October 22nd: Pack Mentality - Challening Peer Pressure and Playing Werewolf Activity registration will ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit