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Introduction to Infant Massage // Introduction aux massages pour bébés

OCCRC | CRCOC 240 Centrum Blvd, Orléans

Let's meet at the Orléans-Cumberland CRC (240 Centrum Blvd. unit 105 in Orléans) for an infant massage workshop! There are many benefits of Infant Massage. Together we will explore different ways to massage baby and enjoy the interactions among parents.  //  Joignez-vous à nous au CRC Orléans-Cumberland (240 boulevard Centrum unité 105 à Orléans) pour un ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit

Virtual Bedtime Stories // L’heure du conte virtuelle


We'd like to invite you to join us for virtual bedtime stories every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Geared towards children 2 to 6 years old *Registration is required. When registering, please enter the total number of guests, e.g. parent and child = 2 guests. Nous vous invitons à l’heure du conte virtuelle tous les ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Free | Gratuit