Welcome to the OCCRC Events Platform!

Bienvenue sur la plateforme d'évènements du CRCOC!

Recurring - récurrent

Inclusive Adult Social Group (ages 30+ | bilingual) // Group social inclusif pour adultes (âges 30 ans +| bilingue)

*Conversations will be primarily in English  **Limited spots The peer support group welcomes individuals ages 30+ needing a supportive space and companionship. Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in person at the Centre  Registration is required, as spots are limited For more information and to register, contact Christine at 613-830-4357, ext. 309 or cleclair@crcoc.ca. *Les ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Recurring - récurrent

Indigenous Beading Sessions (all ages) English Only – FREE // Sessions de perlage autochtones (tous les âges) anglais seulement – gratuit

Do you want to connect with your Indigenous roots? Beading is a great way to practice your ancestral art form. Beading heals. Beading teaches patience and perseverance. Beading is medicine. Weekly sessions are offered by Indigenous Roots Orleans/Ottawa East. Beginner to Advanced. Free supply kits are available for pick up in Orleans or use your ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Recurring - récurrent

Groupe de jeu francophone au Centre ON y va!

Joignez-vous à nous au Centre de ressources communautaires Orléans-Cumberland (240 boulevard Centrum unité 105 à Orléans) pour un groupe de jeu porte ouverte ! Conçu pour permettre aux enfants de 0 à 6 ans de vivre des expériences d’apprentissage par le jeu amusantes et stimulantes ! À NOTER : Nous sommes très heureuses de vous annoncer que les inscriptions pour ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Recurring - récurrent

English playgroup at the EarlyON Centre!

Let's meet at the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre (240 Centrum boulevard unit 105) for a Drop-in playgroup! This program is geared towards children 0 to 6 years old. Children will enjoy play-based learning experiences that are fun and engaging. All participants will be asked to use the front door facing St-Joseph Boulevard to access the ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Recurring - récurrent

Inclusive Adult Social Group (ages 30+ | bilingual) via ZOOM // Group social inclusif pour adultes (âges 30 ans +| bilingue) via ZOOM

*Conversations will be primarily in English  **Limited spots The peer support group welcomes individuals ages 30+ needing a supportive space and companionship. Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. via Zoom Registration is required, as spots are limited For more information and to register, contact Christine at 613-830-4357, ext. 309 or cleclair@crcoc.ca. *Les conversations se déroulent ... -> READ MORE - LIRE PLUS

Recurring - récurrent

Baby weigh-in // Prise de poids pour bébés

During Parenting in Ottawa Drop-ins, parents can weigh their baby (self-serve) on Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. No appointment needed.  //   Durant les Carrefours « Être parent à Ottawa », les parents peuvent peser leur bébé (libre-service) les jeudis de 13 h à 15 h. Aucun rendez-vous nécessaire.